Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Welcome Back

Welcome back Panthers! Hopefully by now you are settling into your new routine and schedule. We are working hard to get the library ready for you and can't wait to get you in here. With the Book Fair coming up September 18-22, we will start scheduled library time on the 25th (Monday). Classes will come every two weeks based on Friday being an A day or B day. The schedule is set up so that there are no classes on Mondays and only one class every other Tuesday so that students can use the library on their own time and teachers can schedule time to come in for research or anything else they may need it for. This year we have the opportunity to have Penny the service dog joining us in the library much of the time and she is looking forward to meeting her new high school friends.

We have some great things planned this year so make sure to watch the blog and website to stay up to date. Congrats to those who participated in the BINGO game over the summer and earned their free book from the book fair. We will be posting winners of the drawings soon!