Wednesday, August 29, 2018

New Year, New Panthers

Welcome back Panthers! I don't know about you, but while I enjoyed my summer adventures, I am excited to be back in the library and around all of you! I am looking forward to getting the library open and getting Panthers in here. We have added a few new things to our Maker Space that I think you will enjoy. I have added chess sets, MORE Lego bricks, an iPad to use with our robots and a Makey Makey. I am working with one of our new teachers to get a maker club going and I am trying to purchase some more technology equipment. Exciting things are happening, and with that comes changes to how we do things. The library will be more accessible before, during and after school each day. There will be more rules and procedures on how and when students can access the technology in the library. We have a lot of new students and a lot of new staff that will help us as we make this year fantastic!

Dates to know:
9/4: Library opens
9/17-21: Scholastic Book Fair, library will be closed
10/22-26: Library closed
12/14: All library books are due

Monday, March 5, 2018

ACT Testing

This month the library has been taken over for ACT testing. **Big high five to our juniors who are taking the test!** I've been doing a mobile library so that students are still being taught what they need to and can still check out books. If there are any books you would like to make sure get added to my cart, please let me know. This Friday is also the UELMA (Utah Education Library Media Association) Conference so I'm looking forward to getting some great new information to help us make the library the best it can be! The students have been given the list for Battle of the Books that will take place in May so get those read!

I've started gathering supplies to create a maker space here in the library! It will give students an opportunity to do some hands-on learning while exploring some of the topics they read about. We are still looking for donations of Legos, snap circuits, Hot Wheels/Matchbox cars and any other hands-on tools we can get. We have a current Donors Choose project that will provide us with some robotic equipment as well. Please share it and donate if you can! Great things are happening in the library and we are looking forward to finishing the year strong!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

2018 is Your Year!

2017 has come and gone. It's amazing how fast it went, but we are really looking forward to bringing you some great things in 2018! The library has been repainted and is getting a much needed face lift, the summer reading program is going to be fantastic, we are working on bringing our own version of Battle of the Books to Spectrum and the book fairs always bring excitement! Our shelves are gradually filling up and much of that is attributed to our amazing supporters through Donors Choose! We have had 2 projects fund that provided nearly 20 audio books to our library and over 50 books requested by our students. Things are headed in the right direction and I couldn't be more excited for what's in store here in the library for 2018!